It is exceptionally difficult to get addiction treatment while trying to be a full time parent, especially for mothers. Addiction treatment programs for women with children must be able to cater to the needs of both the mothers and children. This typically includes addiction counseling, mental health therapy, and parenting classes for mothers, along with supervision, medical and mental health care, and education for children.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many addiction treatment facilities equipped or ready for this task, which is why many addicted women and their children never have the chance to get the help they need. However, there are still some options, even if they are not specially geared towards women and children.

Outpatient Treatment

For many women and children, outpatient rehab is one of the best options. It does not require a mother to reside in an addiction treatment facility, but rather requires her to attend addiction therapy sessions each week. However, those women who have severe addiction issues will probably not benefit as much from outpatient treatment. There is also a higher chance of relapse with outpatient treatment.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient addiction treatment tends to be more effective than outpatient treatment, since it requires individuals to reside in treatment facilities. This goes a long way towards eliminating the chances of a relapse, and provides women with a safe, substance-free environment where they can focus on recovery. But the problem is that many inpatient treatment facilities don’t allow women to bring their children with them, thus creating a child care problem, and also creating emotional distress for both mother and child. Ultimately this increases the chances that a woman will drop out of treatment, to be with her child.

Partial Inpatient Addiction Treatment

This is a hybrid between outpatient and inpatient addiction treatment, and allows a woman to still reside in her own home with her children. However, she would still be required to spend several hours each day in addiction treatment.  This may involve home health visits from treatment specialists and nurses or extended hours at the nearest clinic.

Family-Based Treatment

Family-based treatment might be the best option for women and children. Family-based outpatient addiction facilities will usually offer child care on-site. These options greatly increase the chances that women with children will seek and stay in addiction treatment. Most of these facilities also offer other social services, such as parenting classes and vocational services.


If you’re ready for recovery, we are ready to help. The recovery services at Hired Power are designed to help you bring recovery home while receiving the guidance and support of compassionate recovery professionals. For more information, call us today at 1-800-910-9299.