Sobriety is an opportunity to recover one’s life and move forward, away from addiction toward health, hope and healing. While many things are discussed, motivation to stay sober is one of the key points people focus on in sobriety. It is important to ask oneself what exactly is the cornerstone of recovery. In essence, what is the legacy an individual hopes to leave behind.



An individual’s legacy is more than just children, family and wealth or inheritance for future generations. It is also the mark an individual leaves on the world with all the people in it. Some people in history have left great legacies. Artists, thinkers, inventors, teachers and parents offer something to the group of humanity which endures long after the individual is gone. When a person commits to a sober lifestyle, mortality is often brought into question. When things seem bleak and challenging, an individual may glimpse the inevitability of death and look at life differently.


Taking Stock

Sobriety is a great time to take stock of the things in life which are most important. Some of the following questions are good ones to ponder:

  • What would people say about one’s life
  • Did what the individual do make life better for others
  • Did things get created to make the world better
  • Do the children have solid values and a healthy start to life

Many recovering individuals get caught up in guilt and shame of the past rather than looking at the present and future. What is now and what is in front of us are all that matter in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Leave behind a legacy that is not tarnished by addiction, rather one that offers something valuable to those who come after you even if it is merely hope for things to get better.


Points to Ponder

Try the following points as a guide to discovering what kind of legacy that can be left behind for others. Let it serve as an opportunity to try new things in sobriety which are positive and focused on others.


  • Legacy of Healing. Recovery is hard work but sobriety is a great reward. Family can find hope in the struggle and challenges and be inspired to make positive life choices. Let the ripple effects of the journey venture toward others by sharing the experience and watch the domino effect.
  • Legacy of Hope. Substance abuse can be generational for families. Become the first person to break the cycle and pattern of addiction. Change the trajectory of the family’s future by breaking out of addiction, help strengthen family, community and the neighborhood with a gift of hope.

It is possible to leave a positive legacy in the wake of addiction. Legacies are powerful gifts for loved ones. It is never too late to start leaving a legacy to be proud of for everyone around including neighbors, friends and the community at large.


Start leaving a legacy of hope and healing by getting sober. Give to your loved ones a gift of healing by reaching out to our team for support in recovery. We will help you find answers to questions and get you started on the right treatment program for you.