Heroin and opiate addiction are powerful addictions with a high risk of relapse. Opiate addiction is difficult, but not impossible, to overcome. Learn how to avoid relapse with some tips and strategies to get started.


Moving Beyond Relapse

Relapse is a very real danger for individuals in recovery from addiction. In order to feel more secure in recovery, it helps to have some strategies in one’s toolbelt to battle relapse head-on. The following tips will be helpful in getting started:


Avoid People and Places Associated with Use

Likely, the people and places where drugs were once used will be triggers. Triggers cause a person to crave opiates again and cause relapse. Avoiding people and places when possible can help avoid relapse back into opiate use.


Create Distractions for Stressful Situations

Stress can be a trigger for cravings. When the cravings start, find a distraction such as a book or a video game. Anything that gets the mind off stress or cravings will work to help a person avoid relapse.


Learn Something New

Take a class, learn a new skill and engage the mind and body in ways the drug cannot. Each time a person is actively engaged in something, it is less likely the mind and body will focus on cravings. The trick is to stay actively engaged in the activities and learning.


Try New Things

Finding something a person enjoys will help take cravings away to use opiates or drugs. A new hobby or activity people enjoy doing helps an individual get out, meet new people and experience a world free of opiate use. Groups meet to do activities along with volunteer organizations that are happy to put people to work who are looking to help.


Hang Out with Sober Friends

Avoiding people and places from the past can feel isolating but finding sober friends to hang out with can be empowering. Most people do not use drugs and isolation can lead to cravings and triggers which lead to relapse. Plan outings with others to break up isolation, have fun without opiates, and seek recovery for addiction with new friends focused on the same things.


Find Positive Side

Focus on the positive aspects of sobriety and not on the past. People with opiate addiction often focus on how good addiction felt but it helps to remember why drug use stopped in the first place and keep lists of why quitting was helpful.


Start Writing

Journaling is a great way to track recovery goals and progress along with finding ways to keep from relapsing. Find patterns to help identify triggers and search for positive things to focus on in recovery and make lists. Write out ways to get engaged with others away from the use of drugs and alcohol.

Hired Power is all about empowering people to make healthier life choices, without the use of drugs. Find out how to get started by calling us. We will help guide you to resources and information on getting clean and sober.