Halfway houses are living spaces for people in transition from rehab, prison or seeking refuge from the streets. For people in recovery from drug addiction, a sober living environment is provided. House rules generally apply in the homes with chores, curfew, random drug tests, school attendance or full-time employment being among the requirements for participants. Rules are applied to support residents in sober living and prevent distractions or triggers during recovery.


Life within a halfway house requires participants to follow some rules. Aside from chores, attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) may be required, depending on the person’s drug or alcohol addiction. Support groups aid in the recovery process and provide peer networks which can last long after leaving the halfway house. These generally take place near the house but not necessarily inside. Transportation is also a consideration when selecting a house in which to reside.


Friendships made in support groups are integral to maintaining a sober lifestyle. Residents who connect with other people and build community. A halfway house is not required but statistics demonstrate recovery is made better and more long term with the help of a sober living environment post rehab. Transitional living affords individuals with addiction in recovery opportunities to meet new people dedicating their lives to sobriety as well as people one can relate to. New friendships can reinforce positive habits, hobbies which don’t include drugs or alcohol and sometimes forces individuals to learn new skills often neglected in active addiction.Valuable skills such as money management, household chores, shopping and self care are integrated into halfway houses to provide a safe space to transition to being fully independent on one’s own.

Life After Substances

Within the home, use of substances are not allowed. Anyone who fails a drug test will be expelled from the residence. The homes are a safe place for everyone and any person who compromises that sense of security, safety and sober living puts the whole house at risk for relapse.

Halfway houses are designed to teach skills, build community and provide an opportunity for individuals to learn more about the process of living without substances. Newer participants who experience sobriety for the first time may find it a challenging environment but it is worthwhile to participate and integrate the new skills into a lifestyle change. It won’t be easy but it is a good risk worth taking to build character and strength for the days of recovery ahead.

If you suspect yourself, a friend or family member needs help overcoming an addiction, contact Hired Power at 800-910-9299 Trained counselors and therapists are available to answer questions and provide support.