Family Interventions

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A family intervention can be done with love and respect in a non-confrontational, non-judgmental approach. The gift of treatment and recovery to a loved one needing help but refusing to accept it will be successfully addressed in the process. Family interventions utilize the most powerful tools available- love and concern. These tools work to break through denial and get your loved one into treatment. 

 Organizing A Family Intervention

An addiction intervention is appropriate for people engaged in any self-destructive behavior such as:

  • drinking too much: alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction
  • drug use, drug abuse, drug addiction
  • eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, overeating
  • gambling addiction, sex addiction
  • computer addiction, internet addiction
  • failure in school, work

Intervention is the most supportive, powerful and successful way to attain help.

The key to a successful intervention is planning, preparation, and professional experience. Organizing a team of family members and friends with a common goal and technique raises the client’s “bottom” and establishes healthy boundaries for families and loved ones to live by. These strategies allow for success that often has been impossible in the past.

A family intervention is the most loving compassionate service family and friends can provide for someone struggling with the disease of addiction. Every day of active addiction is a risk, for further damage or loss of relationships with loved ones, family, and friends even the loss of life. Visit to learn more about family interventions.

Hired Power in Huntington Beach, CA works with the family before, during, and after the intervention, including placement and a Personal Recovery Assistant. We offer a complete package that includes a pre-intervention workshop, intervention, 1-day safe passage, and 15 hours of case management.

Contact Hired Power

If a loved one might be struggling with addiction, there is no reason to hesitate to get help. Contact Hired Power at 800.585.5816 and speak with our recovery and intervention professionals 24/7 — we can help you find out if an intervention is right for you.