honest with your sponsorIn the fight against addiction, there are few more inspiring resources than a solid recovery coach. These experienced addiction professionals are often well-versed in the ins and outs of conquering addiction and can be very motivating and supportive for recovering addicts. A sobriety coach is often part of the package when you enroll in a comprehensive residential treatment program for addiction or alcoholism and have been widely encouraged by Alcoholics Anonymous and similar groups. Having someone at your back as you face down the relentless onslaught of triggers, cravings, and temptations is a huge advantage in recovery.

Honesty in Recovery

While sobriety coaches are usually experienced with alcoholics and addicts, providing useful feedback and guidance, they can only be as effective as you allow them to be. The job of a sobriety coach is to help you fight the cravings and remain sober. If you are dishonest with him or her, you are only defeating yourself. A good coach knows when things are getting rough and will usually offer to come over for a chat or take you out to lunch to get your mind off of the desire to use. They’re great friends and allies in this way. But if you lie to them, they won’t be able to offer the best possible advice or help you stay the course.

When you visit a doctor to diagnose a medical condition, it’s important that you are honest with him or her about any drugs or medications you’re taking and recent symptoms. That’s the only way to ensure that you get an accurate diagnosis, right? It’s the same in recovery. The only way to have an accurate view of your progress and to stay on the path of sobriety without faltering is to be honest about your choices, your thoughts, and your cravings. There’s no room for hiding things when the coach is only there to help you succeed.

View Your Sobriety Coach as an Ally

We see dishonesty towards sobriety coaches and addiction counselors the most when dealing with court-mandated or “forced” rehabilitation. If an addict is facing sobriety against his or her will, there is less incentive to be honest and stay clean. Even if the addict wants to stay clean, there is often a concern that being honest about any lapse in sobriety could cause legal ramifications. It’s vitally important that you remain completely honest with your sobriety coach so they can help you succeed. If you withhold information, they can’t offer the best guidance, and you run a greater risk of full blown relapse; a situation that will have worse legal ramifications than if you admit your honest cravings and lapses along the way in a controlled rehabilitation setting.

At the end of the day, only you are responsible for your recovery and sobriety. A coach is an ally in that fight but they can’t wage the war for you. You have to be committed to your own recovery in order to succeed. However resources like sobriety coaches and support groups are there to help you along the way, so long as you let them.


Hired Power is committed to helping you succeed on the road to recovery and can help you identify the best treatment options and sobriety support available. Contact us at 800-910-9299 for more information on how you can turn your life around.