A walking meditation need only take a few minutes a day but can go a long way to clearing the mind and supporting a focused thought process. Regular practice can support even longer-term healing benefits as the mind, body, and soul learn to live in the present moment. Addiction recovery is a great place to seek the healing benefits of walking meditation. Find out how to get started.

Walking Meditation

Meditation can start with a simple, slow walk. Walking meditation is an integral part of meditation practice. To get started, try the following tips:

  • Find a 20-30 food space to walk back and forth
  • Set a timer to stay focused on the present
  • Walking barefoot can be helpful but is not required
  • Stand still at the end of the chosen space, feet pressed firmly into the ground
  • Take the first step, moving slowly and lift one food mindfully, then the other

The goal of mindful walking and meditation is to feel the sensation of the ground under one’s feet, the pressing of one’s heel to toe, and the lifting of each foot becoming a mindful interaction between the brain and body. Notice the sensation of moving both feet through the air, one at a time and then touching down again.


Finding Focus

Focus completely on the sensation of feet lifting one at a time and touching down again. Distraction happens but it is helpful to practice returning one’s attention and gaze to the present, with an intentional focus on what the body is doing in the moment. Feel the feet touching the ground and focus on actual physical sensation.


The Finish

The end of one’s walking meditation may feel abrupt as the timer goes off to signal a finish to the experience. Feeling present and aware of one’s surroundings is helpful in being mindful of where a person is and what the person is doing. Practice mindful walking at home, work, outside or anywhere that is available and feels like a comfortable space for such walking.


Healing Benefits

An individual who experiences the healing benefits of a walking meditation may find it connects one more deeply with nature and the environment. Even if done indoors, it is possible to feel more connected to a space. Mindful walking provides an opportunity to engage all the senses, becoming deliberate about the earth beneath a person’s feet and feel the air filling the lungs as one walks. Other benefits, of particular interest to individuals in recovery from addiction, include the mental shift of focus to the present, and getting rid of intrusive or negative thoughts in the moment. Mindful walking is not about the destination, but the journey. Much as in recovery, as in mindful walking, the journey is important as each day brings new challenges and opportunities. Learning to be present in the moment can bring heightened levels of personal awareness which serve an individual well in recovery.

Hired Power believes in the ability of mindfulness to support an individual in recovery from addiction. Healthy practices in recovery can support the transition from addiction and aid in a better overall recovery journey. Contact us to find out how we can help support your journey back to health from addiction: 800.910.9299.