Drug rehabilitation is a process where people go to seek help for addiction. Programs can be either inpatient or outpatient and provide services for psychological treatment and counseling including aftercare program referrals. Medical detox programs are also a part of drug rehab but require constant supervision, diagnosis and medication administration. Find out more about what to expect in drug rehabilitation programs.



Three main goals exist for drug rehabilitation:

End drug abuse – recovery allows a person to begin living a sober life and move towards meeting other life goals

Treat psychiatric disorders and psychological problems – an individual diagnosed with drug addiction may have unresolved trauma or other psychiatric disorders which need to be dealt with (including underlying issues for using drugs or alcohol)

Improve general health and personal circumstances – general health may decline rapidly during active drug use but overall health will improve following weeks and months of recovery. Drug rehab aims to support an individual’s recovery to live a better life post-rehab


What Happens in Rehab

The following steps are an example of what happens during drug rehabilitation:


Step 1: Assessment

The intake and assessment is essential to an individual’s stay in rehab. During the process, rehab personnel assess the current condition, figure out what is going on and determine a specific, individualized, treatment plan. Drug rehab typically includes a drug test and interviews.


Step 2: Medical Detox

Once withdrawal occurs under medical supervision, medicine and other support can be administered. An individual may need to seek outside clinic help to detox before starting an outpatient drug rehab program.


Step 3: Therapeutic Treatments

Counseling and psychotherapy are important phases of drug rehab. This begins a time of analysis of mental and emotional conditions in order to support positive life changes in the way a person thinks, feels and behaves to prevent relapse. Psychotherapy is usually facilitated in group settings or one-on-one meetings. Pharmacotherapy may begin during medical detox and is dependent on:

  • Type of drug used
  • Severity of dependence
  • Diagnosis of co-occurring disorders


Medications are available for opiate/opioid maintenance therapies with the intention of reducing craving and interrupting physical dependence. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed after long term use of stimulants.


Step 4: Education

Education is empowering for an individual and helps the person to maintain long-term sobriety when the brain and body are understood in relation to drug use.


Step 5: Supportive Services and Aftercare

Supportive services are offered during drug rehab and include help with social services, financial planning, vocational training or skills development. This may include support groups, counseling or aftercare services.


Following Rehab

An aftercare program is critical for an individual’s success following rehab. Counselors and facility staff will help create a personalized program which may include sober living or other arrangements. Aftercare also includes involvement with community groups, religious, spiritual or other groups and addiction counseling which is recommended following drug rehab.

Hired Power supports individuals in seeking the best help possible for addiction treatment. If you are searching for a treatment program for yourself or a loved one, call us to find out how we can support your journey to recovery.