Heroin is a highly addictive drug and its withdrawal symptoms are not pleasant. The quicker an addict is weaned away from the drug, the easier it is to cope with withdrawal and regain health.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of heroin addiction can be tricky. You should be aware of the common symptoms of heroin abuse. These will enable you to help a family member or friend who is abusing heroin.

Physical Appearance

An addict’s physical appearance is a strong indicator of heroin abuse. Addicts lose interest in their physical appearance and become casual about maintaining hygiene and appearing presentable. All their thoughts are focused on getting the next dose of heroin. Other physical signs of heroin abuse include swift weight loss, a runny nose, flushed cheeks, scabs and cuts on the skin from using syringes to inject the drug, dilated pupils, sleepy eyes, and a tired appearance. Heroin addicts try to hide the needle marks on their arms by wearing full-sleeved shirts; they’ll wear such shirts even when the weather is hot.  

Behavioral Changes

Physical signs of heroin addiction are accompanied by changes in the addict’s behavior. Such changes are very strong pointers to addiction. An addict’s behavior is totally dictated by the presence of the drug in their body. Heroin addicts will tell lies, avoid social gatherings and steer clear of even immediate family members, they do not exhibit an interest in any activity even if the said activity interested them earlier, their performances at work and school suffer, and speech becomes slurred.

The signs mentioned above can also be indicative of other addictions, particularly those of other opioids. In order to determine, if the subject is abusing heroin, you must keep an eye out on the stuff that heroin addicts use. These include syringes, needles, shoelaces missing from shoes, burned spoons, plastic bags, and small glass tubes. These are things that addicts use to either snort, smoke, or inject heroin.

Long-Term Effects

Long-term effects of heroin addiction include internal abscesses, liver damage, collapsed veins, and heart problems.

If a family member or an addict exhibits such symptoms, you need to take proactive steps so that he can be pulled out of the abyss of addiction. Hired Power has the experience in helping heroin addicts undergo detox, cope with withdrawal, and successfully complete the rehabilitation course. A medically monitored detoxification is very important for the addict’s rehabilitation and we ensure that your loved one gets the best possible care. Call us. 800-910-9299