Avoiding the Cycle of Relapse

Relapse is not part of recovery. Though it is mistakenly said to be, relapse is an option, a possibility, but not a requirement. While relapse can happen, relapse does not have to be part of your recovery. Making a plan to avoid relapse is the best way to prevent falling back into old habits.

1- Know your triggers.

Learning what triggers you to use drugs or alcohol is an important step to avoiding relapse. You may consider journaling or making a list for times when you are most triggered.

Examples of trigger events are:

  • Stress at work
  • Family problems
  • Arguments in romantic and/or friend relationships
  • Celebrations
  • Holidays
  • Financial worries
  • Parenting stress

2- Surround yourself with supportive people.

Changing or adjusting your social circle may prove helpful, especially during the initial stages of your recovery. Some of your old friends may also use alcohol or drugs. Ending long relationships is not easy. Consider just putting these relationships on hold, if the idea of ending them are too much. You never know what the future will bring. Whatever you decide to do, you should consider

3- Balance is key, it’s okay to have fun in recovery.

Recovery is not boring. Being sober is not a punishment. You are entitled to have fun and experience all that sober living has to offer. Balance is an important step to avoiding relapse. If you plan on staying sober, you should definitely attend meetings or work with a recovery assistant. However, incorporating hobbies, fun, travel, and passion into your recovery helps you stay focused on what is important.

4- Incorporate mindfulness and meditation.

Mindfulness is the process of being present in today, limiting your worries, and being aware. Meditation incorporates mindfulness. You may believe that meditation involves a lot of work, but the truth is that meditation can be done on the go and even when you are busy.

Try some of these steps to make meditation simpler:

  • Paying attention to your breathing
  • Experiencing your breathing during times of stress
  • Taking a brief walk in nature, if possible
  • Listening to a peaceful song
  • Drinking tea
  • Intentionally focusing on today
  • Avoiding stress about things that you can’t control

Hired Power is an expert in bringing compassion to addiction treatment. If you want to find out more about avoiding the cycle of relapse and living your best sober life, call Hired Power today at 714-559-3919 for information on our recovery services. Our dynamic team of experienced professionals is here to serve you and your family every step of the way so you can bring recovery home. Call us today.