
Xanax (alprazolam) is a drug commonly used to control anxiety. Known for its relative safety, it is possible to overdose if too much is taken. Unless the amount taken is quite high, it is difficult, but not impossible, to experience an overdose. Here are some risk factors to consider when learning about overdoses on Xanax.



Every individual is unique in how the body and brain interpret the drug and what happens when it is taken. The amount of Xanax needed can vary based on body weight, previous exposure to Xanax, metabolism and other factors. If other medications are being taken at the same time, it can increase the risk of complications or an overdose. It is not recommended people drink alcohol while taking Xanax for this reason. Xanax can also be abused when taken for non-medical reasons which can include snorting to increase the high (which can lead to an overdose). This medication should only be swallowed as a whole pill in doses recommended by a treating physician to prevent complications.



Any person who takes a large amount of Xanax can experience drowsiness, impaired judgment and be at risk for other health complications. Accidents can occur as a result of the drowsiness, especially if mixed with other drugs or alcohol which can depress breathing and slow the heart.


One of the most dangerous complications which results from a Xanax overdose is shallow and slowed breathing. A person can stop breathing completely causing cardiac arrest and possibly death. The effects may be more pronounced depending on what other substances were taken along with Xanax.



A doctor should not recommend more than 2 mg of Xanax be taken at any given time. An individual just starting to use the medication may only take 0.75 mg per day but tolerance to the drug can build where more is needed to produce the same effect. It is not recommended an individual self medicate or take more of the drug to produce the same effect without first speaking with a doctor or physician. In addition, other nervous system depressants such as opiates or alcohol should be avoided while on Xanax to prevent complications or overdose.



Long term health effects or death can occur with an overdose. High amounts of Xanax can create a tolerance which may lead to addiction. Some of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting Xanax can include serious complications such as seizures. Medical attention is necessary if a person begins experiencing trouble breathing or an irregular heartbeat.

Hired Power is available to answer questions and provide information on treatment for addiction to Xanax. Contact us today at 800-910-9299 to get started.