getting help for vicodin withdrawal


Vicodin is an opioid blend consisting of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Typically prescribed for postoperative pain management, Vicodin has a high likelihood of dependence with challenging withdrawal symptoms which can be uncomfortable. Typical withdrawal symptoms persist for 7-10 days after last dose. Know what to expect over the course of withdrawal, signs of any risky side effects and how to get support through the process.


Vicodin Withdrawal

Severity of Vicodin withdrawal depends on the extent of chemical dependence to the drug. Length of time and dosage are factors to consider with Vicodin withdrawal symptoms. Some factors can make it a more dangerous journey including seizures, severe depression and confusion. Pre-existing conditions which impact a person’s health can also make Vicodin withdrawal dangerous. Mental health concerns including a depression diagnosis can create a dangerous situation so it is helpful to discuss symptoms with a doctor to make sure someone is around to help if needed.


Challenges of Vicodin Withdrawal

Withdrawal from Vicodin can be challenging for many reasons. Physical sickness occurs which can impact daily life. Psychological symptoms play a role as Vicodin impairs the way a person’s brain processes serotonin and regulates moods. Underlying mental health conditions can become exacerbated by the severity of the psychological and physical symptoms during the withdrawal period which can last for a long period of time.


Support for Vicodin Withdrawal

Medications exist which can support a person through Vicodin withdrawal. There are natural ways to also withdraw from Vicodin. Some of these include:


  • Tramadol: a drug which can be prescribed for severe cases of Vicodin dependence. Tramadol has low dependency rates. A physician may be able to replace Vicodin with Tramadol then taper the dosage.
  • Naltrexone or Buprenorphine: stronger medications for severe Vicodin dependency and physical addiction prescribed for drug cravings and to help the detox process.
  • Tapering plan: a doctor may be able to provide a plan to taper off the use of Vicodin naturally without other medications. Symptoms can be treated as needed.
  • Withdrawal plan: understand the symptoms and prepare by taking time off work to rest and recover. Get a massage, take warm showers and get heating pads to ease the pain and soreness. NSAIDs can support symptoms such as muscle aches and pains.
  • Nutrition plan: food should be soft on the body and not promote nausea. If eating becomes difficult during withdrawal, it may help to get more fluids and electrolytes for hydration. Sun lamps promote essential vitamins to care for psychological disturbances. Develop a process and stick to it during this period of time to help the body heal itself naturally.



Doctors can work with individuals to make withdrawal as painless as possible. A doctor who monitors withdrawal and treats physical symptoms can be very helpful and aid recovery. If withdrawal becomes difficult to manage, a detox clinic with trained staff may be helpful as are resources such as support groups for addiction treatment.


If you are trying to quit Vicodin, Hired Power can help. Call us at 800-910-9299 for information and resources on recovery from Vicodin.