Getting to the Roots of Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are often a misunderstood battle. The solution can seem so simple, just eat, just stop eating, or just learn to care for yourself. The reality is that the roots of eating disorders are often much deeper than stopping a behavior or learning to take care of yourself.

Eating disorders are the restriction, the purging, or over consumption of food. Many people believe that anorexia, for example, is about thinness and achieving a certain weight. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Eating disorders are often rooted in trauma, family issues, and control or lack of control. Eating disorders are also connected to the sense of self and identity that you have. Because the roots of eating disorders are not so cut and dry, the solution is not a quick, simple one. Despite this, recovery from the devastating effects of eating disorders is possible with time, support, and therapy.

Eating disorders are more than issues about food, appearance, and looks. Eating disorders can stem from deeply rooted negative feelings of self, lack of control in other areas, and emotional pain. Eating disorders are dangerous and can cause serious medical complications, including death. If you or your loved are dealing with an eating disorder, there is help available.

Treatment often includes medical care first, and then individual and family therapy. Research has found that including the family in treatment for eating disorders improves the rate of success. Treatment is also not limited to a 30 day program. In order for the best chance of success, treatment is often long term and consists of many aspects of therapy and skill development.

Hired Power has the resources to figure this out for you or your loved one. We understand that the figuring out what direction to take is daunting and exhausting. Hired Power can help connect you or your loved one to treatment. After treatment, after care and ongoing support is critical to remaining emotionally and physically healthy.

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery alone. Let Hired Power be your compassionate advocate as you look for ways to help yourself or your loved one.

Hired Power are experts at connecting you to the tools you need to heal physically and emotionally. Through compassion and expertise, you can stay begin recovery from eating disorders. Contact us now at 714-559-3919. Let us help you figure out the next steps to take.