Percocet is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone is an ingredient that works to produce euphoria and alters the brain and nervous system’s response to pain. The drug is absorbed and metabolized quickly by the body which is detectable for only a few days after taking the medication. Hair-based tests may produce results for a longer period of time.

Effects of Percocet

Available in tablet form, Percocet is taken orally. A person who abuses Percocet may chew or crush tablets to release the medication at once. In addition, the person may crush the tablets and snort the powder or dissolve the pills in water to inject into the blood. Snorting Percocets or injecting them can increase the risk of addiction due to the quick release of effects into the bloodstream. The effects of Percocet can be felt within 15-20 minutes after being taken orally. Peak levels are reached within 30-60 minutes.

Percocet Drug Testing

Blood tests are the least reliable for detecting Percocet in the system, urine and hair tests are both reliable for detecting Percocet. Narcotic pain medications do not remain in the body long. Since Percocet does not remain in the blood long-term, the levels of Percocet are usually undetectable after about a day.

The following are examples of how long Percocet can remain in both urine and hair samples:

Urine: most drugs can be detected in the hair for about 90 days. Length of time for detection depends on length of person’s hair, color, any chemical treatments and amount of Percocet taken. Trace amounts are more difficult to detect than larger amounts due to chronic use.

Hair: urine detection can usually occur for 1-2 days. With heavy or chronic use, detectability can be slightly longer. Exact amounts of time depend on amount of Percocet a person takes, how long the person uses the drug and metabolism.

Percocet Addiction

Percocet can be habit-forming for individuals who use it for legitimate or illegitimate purposes. The drug causes a euphoric high when taken in larger doses. Withdrawal symptoms can occur when a person tries to quit Percocet or overdose if taken recklessly without thinking about the dosage taken. An addiction to Percocet can be potentially fatal. A doctor can assess an individual to see if there is a problem with Percocet. Medical intervention can help a person stop taking Percocet then manage addiction properly. It may help to speak with friends and family about addiction, to admit a problem exists and seek help. Prevention is the best medicine and with many options available for treatment, it is possible to get help before serious complications arise

If you need help overcoming an addiction to Percocet, call us at 800-910-9299 for information. We have resources and information available to help you on the journey to recovery.