Enrolling oneself or a loved one in a drug treatment program need not be a stressful or difficult experience. Every program has its strengths but finding that one right facility can be challenging. Once that part is over, the rest will fall into place.



Many individuals are referred to a treatment program by family, friends, or other loved ones who care about their health and wellbeing. A doctor, therapist, or employer may also provide assistance in locating a place where an individual can receive the help needed to get sober. Once referred to a facility, an admissions counselor is the first step to enrollment.


Admissions Counselor

Before entering a rehab facility, an admissions counselor will walk a person through the process. Some of the things they are available to do might include:

  • Arrange inpatient treatment admissions
  • Facilitate transportation to the facility
  • Schedule necessary evaluations
  • Verify insurance benefits

Upon verification of insurance coverage and receipt of any necessary medical records, the admissions counselor will arrange a date and time convenient for the individual to be admitted to the facility.



Admissions counselors can inform a person about any out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance. Upon verification of benefits, any additional costs will be discussed prior to admission so a decision can be made.


Treatment Options

If residential treatment is a good fit or a possibility for oneself or a loved one, it may be an option to enroll immediately following the assessment. Where detoxification is required, the individual will be admitted to a detox unit prior to being transferred to the residential inpatient program. If an outpatient program is more appropriate, a convenient location will be discussed to begin treatment as soon as possible.



A checklist is provided to each individual admitted to the facility to ease the transition. Some of the items may include:

  • List of appropriate clothing depending on the length of stay
  • Change for laundry and pay phone
  • Limited amount of cash
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, hairbrush, dryer)
  • Medications
  • Insurance card
  • Photo ID
  • Laundry supplies

A dress code may be established for all individuals residing at the treatment facility with a list of appropriate attire provided. Each person admitted is expected to adhere to the set guidelines for the entirety of the stay.

Personal hygiene must be maintained by everyone admitted to the facility including regular baths, brushing teeth, washing hair, and maintaining overall cleanliness. Any individual who requires assistance with self-care will be assisted by a staff member.

When an individual is ready to begin the process of recovery, the process of being admitted to receiving help should be easy and efficient. This helps ensure less confusion and more success for the individual seeking treatment. With clear, simple steps to follow the goal of an admissions team is to ensure a person who is seeking help receives it in a timely manner.

If you suspect yourself, a friend or family member needs help overcoming an addiction, contact Hired Power at 800.910.9299. Trained counselors and therapists are available to answer questions and provide support.

Let’s get you enrolled in drug treatment and recovery today!