A person who exhibits patience has the ability to tolerate waiting, delay or frustration without becoming agitated or upset. When an individual can gain control of emotions and impulses to face difficulties with a calm demeanor, that person has learned the art of patience. It is harder to practice than it seems but there are some practical tools to help build patience in one’s life.

Drive Thru Era

Today’s world focuses on instant everything. Technology has made food, clothes, personal items and more available at a person’s fingertips which pushes patience out the window in order to receive something more quickly and efficiently than ever before. Patience is not something which comes easily anyway but it is harder now than ever in history to practice the fine art of waiting patiently for something to begin.

Reap the Rewards

Myriad benefits come from developing patience with the self and others. Learning how to utilize the benefits to maximum capacity can help a person feel more relaxed and at ease through any challenges life might bring. Some of the other rewards may include:

  • Reduction of stress levels to build a more confident, happier and healthier person
  • Create more space for positive decision-making and enhanced decision making
  • Development of more understanding, empathy and compassion for self and others.
  • Learning how to navigate relationships with spouses, friends, children, co-workers and others
  • Understanding of growth process that things don’t happen overnight and take time to develop

Tips to Get Started

The benefits are many but it can be challenging to figure out where to start. Patience does not come out of the blue, it takes dedication, work and persistence to build over time. The following are some tips to get started on the right foot:

  • Set aside a day to practice a patience goal. Make an effort to take time and consider everything, be mindful and live in the moment.
  • Slow down and stop rushing. Take deep breaths before taking an action, listen and enjoy the moment.
  • Practice delayed gratification. Think about what is happening rather than pushing too hard to do something that doesn’t feel right or is done too quickly.
  • Think before speaking. Try not to blurt out first thoughts but pause, go over what will be said before opening the mouth and speak mindfully. Consider the other person and the repercussions of what will be said.

Patience is a valuable character trait which takes time to develop. It is an active, purposeful and necessary form of self-discipline. Without patience, many actions will be counter-productive and ultimately time and energy will be wasted spinning wheels. Patience is a virtue which is invaluable in those who possess the power it brings in terms of growth and inner peace.

Hired Power believes recovery can bring peace and hope to those who seek it. If you are patiently seeking a way to break  free of addiction, call us. Let us help walk you through the steps to get healthy and on the road to recovery.