Intervention Models

When you or a loved one notices the signs or symptoms of addiction taking hold, what is the next step? In many cases, the next step is an intervention. What exactly does that mean? Generally speaking, an intervention is the moment you or a loved one confront the person dealing with addiction and attempts to help the person see the ugliness of addiction and decide that it is time to get help and make changes.

Like addiction and recovery, there is not a one-size-fits-all intervention. There are five broad types of interventions, and each has its own unique components and particular usefulness. All are best performed with an experienced interventionist.

The Johnson Intervention Model

Often this is the model that is thought of immediately when the term intervention is used. With this strategy, a confrontation is scheduled, and all of the person’s friends and family await, prepared to share their love and support. The idea is that they shock the person out of their denial so that they make the choice immediately to seek treatment.

Invitational Model

The invitational model requires that the people concerned invited the person dealing with addiction to the intervention. The person is given a choice to attend and is fully informed as to why they are having the intervention and precisely what will occur at the meeting.

Field Model

The field model is very flexible, and it is a combination of the Johnson and invitational models. With this model, the meeting occurs wherever they happen to be when they are near the person dealing with addiction and the loved ones. The interventionist has the flexibility to adapt the session depending on the needs of the people in attendance. This strategy is appropriate when the person has dangerous tendencies concerning their addiction.

Systematic Intervention Model

When the confrontational avenues don’t seem to be the right fit, this approach may be appropriate. Here, the person dealing with addiction attends regular meetings with his/her loved ones in which they talk about the positive reasons to embark on a recovery journey. This method is all about staying positive and focusing on the benefits of treatment rather than the negatives of the addiction itself.

Motivational Interviewing

Sometimes the best route is to engage in conversation. This model incorporates regular meetings, open discussions, and cooperation. The interventionist gets feedback and shares ideas and thoughts with the person dealing with addiction in order to agree that treatment is the best option.

There is no right answer as to which model is the best, but instead, it depends on which one is the best fit for you or your loved ones. Regardless of which one you choose, you are making a step in the right direction. Hired Power can assist in determining the best intervention for your situation and can also provide an interventionist to help in a hands-on manner. Please call 714-559-3919 for more information.