Following completion of an addiction treatment program, teens may not feel like anything is left for the teen themselves. Alumni programs are a way to provide continued support for rehab graduates who look to establish new lives in sobriety. When comparing treatment programs for teens, look for a facility that offers a set of aftercare services, including an alumni program for graduates and families.


Statistics for teens who complete drug and alcohol treatment programs demonstrate the majority of people who enter treatment drop out prior to graduation. Nearly 41% of those treated for substance use in 2005 finished treatment, according to the Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS). Those who did not complete it left for the following reasons:

  • Transferred to other facilities for continuing care
  • Asked to leave by facility
  • Sent to jail or prison
  • Passed away prior to completion
  • Dropped out
  • Other reasons

Teens who complete rehab deserve to be acknowledge for achievements. It is not easy to make it through challenges of a program like treatment but alumni programs for teens celebrate persistence of those who made it through rehab and offer support in efforts to be sober.

What Alumni Programs Offer

Alumni programs provide a form of continuing care for teens who have re-entered the community. Continuing care is an extension of therapeutic services a teen receives at an addiction treatment center. A teen is faced with a new set of challenges when trying to finish school and work while being triggered and seeing social cues which drive an individual to drink or use drugs. It may be difficult to start a relationship or deal with family conflict while trying to get into college. Some alumni activities include:

  • Outings, gatherings or sporting events for grads and families
  • Adventure treks, hikes or camping
  • Social networking
  • 12-step meetings
  • Community service outreach programs


Continuation of care for alumni in rehab isn’t about events, meetings or activities. It’s about providing support for graduates to grow in recovery. Aftercare services cover a wide array of things including:

  • Advanced therapy for sober teens
  • Family counseling for parents and siblings
  • Vocational counseling and job placement assistance
  • Academic testing and educational counseling
  • Nutritional counseling and personal training for teens

Preparation for Future

The months following rehab can be exciting but thsi period may also be frightening. Teens often do not know what to expect from friends, classmates, teachers and family members after completion of an addiction treatment program. Alumni services can help teens successfully navigate the pathway from addiction to treatment to recovery and beyond.

Hired Power believes teens have the capacity to move beyond addiction to recovery and live a full life substance free. Call us to find out how we can help your teen seek recovery from addiction.