Methamphetamine affects the entire body as a stimulant. Alcohol is a depressant which slows things down within the body. Combining the two together can have very serious short and long-term consequences. Injection, swallowing or snorting meth while drinking alcohol can even be lethal. Learn more about what happens when meth and alcohol are mixed.  

Effects of Meth and Alcohol

When meth and alcohol mix, the effects of both drugs are amplified. Increased heart rate and sense of euphoria occur along with other side effects. Alcohol has sedative properties which cause some stimulant effects of meth. Alcohol can reduce sleep disturbances which occur with meth. Often the body becomes confused with so many messages being sent from one drug, and  another, which can mess with the heart and cause cardiovascular issues. Some people who use both drugs may experience nausea, vomiting and a ‘crash’ or depressive period including thoughts of suicide due to the intensity of both drug’s effects in the body.

Overdose Risk

Meth counteracts alcohol intoxication effects which diminishes feelings of being drunk or impaired. A person may try to drink more alcohol than normal to achieve desired effects. Any person on meth and alcohol may also underestimate the level of intoxication and increase chances of dangerous risk factors such as driving under the influence. The possibility of drug overdose increases with the use of both substances, including alcohol poisoning. Some of the signs include:

  • Irregular, slowed breathing
  • Paleness or bluish skin tone
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness
  • Vomiting

Death from Mixing Substances

An individual may drink more alcohol than normal as a person can underestimate the level of intoxication and increase risky behaviors like driving. Increased alcohol intake may increase potential for alcohol toxicity as well. The possibility of death by car accident, choking and other risk factors also go up.

Mixing meth and alcohol seems to increase ‘good effects’ of drugs. Meth reduces impairment commonly associated with alcohol and individuals may underestimate the true level of intoxication, leading to dangers of alcohol overuse and possible overdose. It is not safe to combine the two drugs. Finding help for alcohol and meth use is important for individuals who desire support for quitting or loved ones seeking help for others.


Hired Power believes you have the power to quit drugs with the help of qualified professionals. Call us at 714-559-3919 to find out how to get started on your recovery journey.