
Recovery sponsors are in people in recovery from addiction who offer guidance and support in one-on-one relationship. There are many ways sponsors can offer support to others new to recovery and help individuals realize potential possibilities of living a life free of addiction.


What is a Sponsor

A sponsor can be an important part of the process of recovery, especially for someone who is new. Some of the activities a sponsor might do in support of someone else can include:


  • listening
  • making suggestions to support sobriety
  • helping sponsee work
  • helping to build a recovery foundation through shared experiences and hope
  • introduction to recovery literature
  • noting progress a sponsee may overlook


How to Find a Sponsor

Asking trusted individuals and others in recovery groups can lead to finding the right sponsor for an individual situation. In recovery groups, there may be someone charged with keeping a list which tracks potential sponsors. There may be a meeting or phone call to discuss the opportunity to see if it is a good match. “Interim sponsors” step in short-term or try it for a period of time before committing to be sure both parties find it beneficial.


Selecting a Sponsor

Listening to other people in recovery talk can be helpful in learning about sponsors. Others who have been sober and whom are respected for their work in recovery may be good sponsors. Sometimes, an individual may want to select a person with experiences which differed from their own. It is up to the individual to find what works best and to choose someone who can be neutral and will bring out the individual’s best even when things get challenging.


Sponsorship Process

Choosing a sponsor with at least one year of continuous sobriety is important. A person with personal experiences dealing with life in recovery will be beneficial to an individual seeking support from a sponsor. Sponsors help people in recovery to build trust and be trusted. Finding someone to walk the journey with can help a person in recovery feel less lonely. A sponsor may become a hotline, a person to call for anything and everything including triggers which bring up unpleasant memories of using drugs. More than this, a sponsor provides hope it does get better and act as sound boards for making better decisions.


A sponsor is not a therapist or counselor, rather someone with shared experience. A sponsee should contact the sponsor regularly to check in, meet with the sponsor and stay engaged in the process. Setting guidelines from the start helps build a connection and gets both people on the same page. Going in with an open mind to being transformed is helpful as working with a sponsor can be a challenging, but rewarding, experience as a new individual in recovery.

Hired Power can help you find a recovery assistant, also known as, a sober companion If you are looking for support for yourself or a loved one, we are here to help 800-910-9299.