What is a Sponsor?

The sponsor/sponsee relationship is unique to the 12 step program. 12 step programs are a support group for alcoholism and addiction. The 12 step program suggests that by working through a set of 12 steps and having an honest relationship with a sponsor, your chances of long-term recovery increase.

A sponsor is like a mentor. Ideally, a sponsor has a significant amount of sobriety and has worked through all of the 12 steps. A sponsor has been where you are and can offer great advice, feedback, and support during your 12 step based recovery.

There are no rules about who pick as your sponsor, but you want to make sure that they have a few years of recovery and you get along with them. When you start going to meetings and getting to know people you can ask anyone that meets this criteria to be your sponsor. They may say “no”, but chances are you will find a sponsor quickly.

Completing steps 4,5, 8, and 9 is one of the most challenging parts of the 12 step program. These steps are action based and cannot be done alone. Step 4 says that you: make a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourself. In step 5 you admit this inventory to yourself and someone else. Step 8 involves making a specific list of people you wronged during your addiction. Step 9 is making direct amends to those you wronged.

Making a moral inventory is about confronting the past and taking responsibility. Recovery is about a change of heart, mind, and action. By making this list, sharing with another person, and making direct amends you are taking responsibility for your actions. This process is about forgiveness, responsibility, remorse, and change.

The benefits of this process are undeniable, but you can’t go through it alone. Truly confronting the past will be painful. In order to recover, this main is critical. A sponsor is there to support you through the ups and downs of these steps. Your sponsor is a guide, a friend, and a role model. The nature of AA, NA, and other 12 step programs is one recovering person helping another.

A sponsor will work with you and be a guide as you journey through the 12 steps. There are many stories of sponsors and sponsees working together for several years or even becoming lifelong friends. The sponsor sponsee relationships may be the most important relationship that you will have in recovery.

Sponsors and the twelve steps are just one part of recovery. Recovery is a beautiful journey that stays with you the rest of your life. Hired Power has a team of experienced recovery professionals waiting to help you through every step of recovery so that you can bring recovery home. Call us today for information: 714-559-3919