Why are Amenities Important for Rehab?

Rehab for the treatment of substance abuse is an evidenced based method of treatment. When you think of rehab, you may think about locked doors, never ending meetings, groups and bad food. Contrary to popular belief, rehab can be an enlightening and pleasant experience for a person seeking recovery.

The focus of rehab is definitely recovery. There will be groups and counseling sessions. Rehab is designed to teach you about addiction and relapse prevention. Rehab can offer so much more, because rehab is teaching you how to live life again. Part of life is having fun and enjoying your new journey.

When you were in active addiction, most of your focus was on alcohol or drugs. Living a full life is more than not taking drugs or drinking alcohol. Now that you are sober, what else can you do?

The first stage of rehab is typically detox. Detox helps you withdraw from drugs or alcohol in a safe environment. Detox helps to make this process as comfortable as possible. After detox, you will enter a 30, 60 or 90 day program. During this time, you will meet with a counselor and attend support groups.

Amenities in rehab are important for the down time that you have. Meetings are not run 24 hours a day, so having something healthy to do is important. Common amenities in rehab can be recreation, exercise and fun activities.

Recreation can include sports like swimming, bike riding or spending time in nature. Exercise in rehab can be yoga and time in a gym area. Some rehabs incorporate animal therapy, craft making, watching positive movies and even good nutrition. A lot of rehabs even encourage visits with family and friends, and the treatment center may even allow you to go out on passes to spend time with loved ones.

Having these amenities can encourage self-care. Self-care is vital to your long-term recovery. Learning how to spend time in nature, spend quality time with friends and family, and having fun will help you learn how to enjoy your life. You will be able to learn that even you have bad moments, there are ways to take care of self and find pleasure in activities outside of drug or alcohol use.

Having amenities during rehab can also teach you positive coping skills. During the days of your addiction, it was normal to cope with bad moments by drinking alcohol or using drugs. If you learn how to have fun and relieve stress in rehab, chances are that you will take this skill with you when you leave. Rehab is a big commitment, but it does not have to be boring.

Going to treatment and creating a life of recovery doesn’t have to be a hassle or a drag. Hired Power, a recovery services company, is here to help customize every step of recovery to meet your needs. We’re helping to bring recovery home. Call us today for information: 714-559-3919