Treating a Tolerance to OxyContin

  The effects of OxyContin may begin to wane once a person uses the drug for some time. Eventually, tolerance may build as a person develops physical dependence on OxyContin. Drug dependence does not always accompany tolerance and may not mean a person is...

Start Your Recovery with Spiritual Healing

  Spiritual healing is an integral part of a recovery journey. Every person will respond differently to spiritual healing but it is very individualized. Read on to find out more on spiritual healing, addiction and how to integrate the practice into one’s own...

Alcohol Poisoning: What You Need to Know

Binge drinking too much alcohol within a short period of time can cause an individual’s blood alcohol level to become very high. The level of toxicity in the body will rise, eventually leading to alcohol poisoning. When the person becomes disoriented, confused and has...

The Healing Benefits of a Walking Meditation

A walking meditation need only take a few minutes a day but can go a long way to clearing the mind and supporting a focused thought process. Regular practice can support even longer-term healing benefits as the mind, body, and soul learn to live in the present moment....